Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lies, damned lies, and best-sellers?

Statistics.. they can provide great insights, or lead you far astray. At the center of a great statistic, a meaningful statistic, there should be a core of common sense. That is, in part, an explanation for the working title of the canvassing handbook (and this blog)that Janet Alfieri and I are working on now. There is a clear difference between the causes that progressives embrace - and volunteer for, and the fear and anger that is often the 'theme' of conservative candidates. As I note elsewhere, the title also came out of the real experience of canvassing where - against everything mother taught you, your job is to talk to strangers, often in their home. Of course 'Seventy-three Percent' also seemed a good 'catchy title', something with a little humor, and a bit of irreverence. It puts prospective readers on notice that this isn't going to be your normal, pedantic political tract. And following on that, I think it might be fun to have the book organized by 'statistic'. Did you know that 79% of Americans never use their front door? That 71% of all canvassers for liberal causes are over 45 years old? And yes, 73% of serial killers are registered Republicans. These statistics may not be, strictly speaking - true, but they contain a core of truth. What's your favorite bad statistic? What truths have you uncovered going door to door for Obama, or Dean, Kerry, or Gore? You might as well get in on the action because you know - the pundits will soon be telling you that, no matter what your experience was, they know better. --Frank Mand

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